If you'd asked me a couple months back how I felt about leaving school and starting college I probably would have told you I couldn't wait for it, however now that the time has actually come I couldn't feel more unprepared. After being at school for 5 years and seeing the same faces and surroundings almost everyday it's safe to say that not going back to that familiarity is very nerve-racking for me. I've never been the best at adjusting to new things or making new friends for that matter as I always manage to think of every possible scenario that could go wrong
However despite all the anxiety I'm feeling I've decided that I need to start focusing on the positive aspects of starting college in order to help me feel more comfortable with the situation. To help me do this I've managed to write a list of 5 things I'm actually looking forward to and I thought I would share them with you;
1. Studying subjects I actually want to learn about
2. Being more independent
3. Expressing myself through the way I dress
4. Finally being treated like an adult
5. Having free periods to do what I want
Hopefully with these things in mind I can somewhat block out all the negative thoughts I'm having, stop worrying about everything and try my best to actually look forward to and enjoy college.
what are you looking forward to about starting school/college.
- Meg♥